Friday, July 08, 2005

The summer rages on...

So I guess I've gotten into a once-a-week posting habit. If I had anything witty or insightful to say, I'd post more often, but unfortunately the lack of interaction with students and the break from classes has turned my brain into mush. Occasionally something comes along to stimulate it...but it's usually bad news.

I woke up yesterday morning to the tragedy in London. One minute the spotlight is on Africa, and on maybe finally making some changes in this terribly uneven world...and the next we're lamenting the loss of innocent people and talking about the war on terror again. I'm sickened by all of it. I don't understand the human bloodlust that leads us to think that we can solve our problems and make things right by killing each other. Doesn't God get sick of hearing his name invoked for the sake of murder? When are we finally going to say enough is enough? Or will we not have our appetites for mass destruction sated until we've completely destroyed each other, and the planet along with us? I'm still young and idealistic enough to believe that there's no justification for killing people. The lives of fifty Londoners aren't any more valuable than the lives of a few thousand Iraqi civilians who got in the way of our coalition, are they? It's awful and wrong and devastating when people kill each other--no matter why.

I've got to stop thinking so much about stuff like this. I need to focus on the problems of my own little life instead of lecturing about global issues that I don't even understand. So let's change the subject. The big father-daughter reunion is coming up in a few days, and I'm kind of excited, though characteristically dubious and pessimistic. Stuff with The Boy is going pretty well. My cable is back on...but wouldn't you know it, my thirteen-year-old TV broke, so I'm stuck squinting at my 12-incher until I can save enough money to buy a new one. If it's not one thing, it's another.

And I think I have a name for the scarf project,thanks to Lauren who talked to an old friend who I thought hated me...maybe not? We're thinking "That's A Wrap!" How's that? Good? Bad? I've been knitting away during these summer months, so we even have a small inventory. I kind of wish I could do socks, because I had this idea to call it "Sock it to ALS!", but unfortunately, while I can handle scarves, hats, and ipod covers, the sock continues to elude me. Anyway, feedback on the name would be helpful, but you're not allowed to say you hate it unless you can think of something better. Is that fair?

Alrighty, well, I guess if I'm planning to take a week off, I should at least pretend to get a little work done before I go. So that's all for today...forgive the brief peacegrrl hiatus, but I don't want to blog from the padre's computer and have him stumble across it and decide he has an evil uber-left-wing commie for a daughter, leading him to withdraw all parental support. He drives me nuts, but I do love him and feel it best to spare him from my bleeding-heart rhetoric. He's getting old, and I don't know if he could take it...
Back soon!

1 comment:

MR said...

Love ya blog...