Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Ohio weather is for shit.

I guess it's not really Ohio's fault, it's that damn Hurricane Frances. In any case, it's grey, it's raining, and it's downright depressing. I'm being even crankier than usual today. And while we're on the subject, when did I get so moody? I didn't really notice it at first, but then people at work kept coming up to me and asking if I was okay. Maybe I just need to smile more. Or maybe it's the fact that I had a fourteen-day run without any time off. Who knows. Anyway, it's something to work on. I don't want to come off as a total bitch. I have to be honest, though. There's not a whole lot to smile about. We're at the 1,000 mark in terms of the lost lives in Iraq. Bushie just got a bounce in the polls thanks to the four-day crap-o-rama they call the Republican National Convention. My new khaki pants are covered in lint. I talked to The Boy last week, so THAT can of worms is officially open. No word from The Guy. Bleh! I should go shopping. Isn't that what we shallow, commercialistic Americans do best when we're feeling down? Spend money! And I got paid last week, too, so I'm temporarily wealthy. I'm told I should be looking for winter clothes. What exactly does one wear in an Ohio winter? A parka and snowboots? Seriously, I have no idea how to conceptualize below-zero temperatures. It's a good thing I crochet scarves when I'm stressed. At least my NECK will be warm.

So I got to see Kerry last week at a rally in Akron. And I have to say, in person he's much better looking, although his face really is abnormally long. Too bad Edwards couldn't come with him. Now THERE'S a reason to get motivated to vote, my friends. Yes, it's superficial, I'm sure he wants to be taken seriously for his ideals, yadda yadda, but mmmm...he's a lovely man. And have you seen his wife? Yup, she's a thick chick. Proof that curves rule! Anyway, back to Bushie made history last week by raising Medicare premiums by the highest percentage in 40 years. Whoo-hoo! Yay for making poor/old people's lives even harder! How the hell does Bush sleep at night? I don't know, maybe Kerry is nothing more than Bush Light, which is what I keep hearing people say. Maybe he's full of empty promises. But I say we have to start somewhere. Compassionate conservativism is a pile of lies. It's rewarding the rich with tax breaks, blaming the poor for their plight, and trying to turn the government into a state church. I'm sick and tired of hearing that Republicans are the moral conscience of our country. They aren't. How moral is to let millions of Americans live without healthcare, or spend billions to bomb another country while our schools fall apart?

Wow. I didn't know I had that enthusiasm in me today. I'm happy to report, however, that I have wasted the remainder of my workday with this post. I can now go home, change into my favorite ratty hoodie, and hang out with my friends and some watered-down Sex and the City. Laziness is what makes rainy days rule.
Over and out...

1 comment:

amberjane said...

Hey, having been there -- exactly there, and during one of the snowiest winters in a long time -- let me just say that even on crabby days you will enjoy the novelty of it all. It ain't Beeville...
Besides, as long as you get a good warm coat and wear a hat (don't worry about the hair), gloves, and scarf every time you venture outside, you'll be just fine! Boots are a big help too, because they keep your feet dry and your legs warm.
You realize that you should get your first snow by/around T-giving, right? Enjoy all that snowy whiteness for me!!