Thursday, March 17, 2005

It's all about the green

Something I've discovered about these yanks: they take St. Patrick's Day very seriously. Drinking at 7am, green beer, wierd-ass Irish folk music playing over the speaker in the's all part of the fun. I'd be a lot more excited about the whole thing if I could really participate, but seriously, how fun is it to embarass yourself at the bar when half of your discipline cases are looking on? Nope, I'll have to enjoy the festivities from afar. I did do some Irish dancing (rather badly, of course) on Tuesday night, so at least I feel like I paid homage in some small way. To be honest, I kind of wish I were Irish. My Irish friends all have great skin and one has the most incredible red hair I've ever seen. And then there's the cool accent, the dance tradition, and, of course, the holiday in observance of all things green. We Italians don't have "St. Luigi's Day" or anything like that where we get to party just because we're Italian. Oh well. At least we've got pasta, DeNiro, and Mafia movies.

Spring Break kicks off this friday, which means I'll be heading back to Texas for quality time with the family. Of course, I'm flying out of Cleveland and I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to get to the airport Monday morning, but I figure that'll take care of itself. What am I most looking forward to about going home (besides the nice normal March weather)? Probably hanging out with my mom. The older I get, the more I realize how much I took the concept of "parents" for granted. Time away from work will be pretty cool, too...a lot of stress around here lately. What is it with this generation of college students that makes them so damn depressed? I've dealt with more suicide attempts, cutters, and ODs this year than ever in my seven years in this crazy field. With all this hype about the Millenial generation and how their parents have nurtured them and spoiled them since birth and how they're supposed to be the hope of the nation, it seems like they're awfully down in the dumps by the time they get to college...

I haven't blogged since last week and there are a lot of things I feel like rambling about...the Gay Marriage debate last Wednesday, for example, when I got to listen to this man twist theology around until it became an instrument of hate. Or the Cleveland Film Festival, where I saw an amazing Bosnian film called Midwinter Night's Dream that I still haven't been able to wrap my mind completely around. And then there's the Blind Date guy, who invited me over on Friday, and we finally broke the eye-contact barrier! I could go off on a rant about how we're entering Year 3 of Iraq-nam, with no end in sight, or talk about Bush's joke of a press conference yesterday, when he managed to get through 45 minutes without answering a single question (what a feat! He should write a book!) But instead I need to read a chapter on Perry's cognitive development theory for class this afternoon, so I'd better conserve every bit of intellectual energy I have for that ordeal.

1 comment:

amberjane said...

In life, there are only two things to worry about: either you are sick or you are well. If you’re well, then there’s nothing to worry about, but if you’re sick, then there are only two things to worry about: either you’ll get better or you’ll get worse. If you get better, then there’s nothing to worry about, but if you get worse, then there are two things to worry about: either you’ll live or you’ll die. If you live, there’s nothing to worry about, but if you die, there are two things to worry about: either you’ll go to heaven, or you’ll go to hell. If you go to heaven, then there’s nothing to worry about. And if you go to hell…well, you’ll be so busy shakin’ hands with friends, you won’t have time to worry.
--Old Irish Wisdom as gleaned from the wall of a barroom toilet stall
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!