Thursday, March 31, 2005

Damn this crazy blogger!

I wrote this great post a few days ago, all about friendship and family and my birthday, yadda yadda, and Blogger ate it. And I don't remember anything that I said. But really, it was good. Trust me. Today I don't have any particularly profound thoughts to pass along. I'm feeling seriously guilty because I had a gnarly stomach thing going on yesterday and couldn't come to work, and tommorow I'm flying to Nashville for a conference, so I only spent a total of maybe 15 hours in the office this week and got little to no work done. Such is life, I guess!

Several events have transpired over the past few weeks...I spent serious quality time with my family, bonded with my friends, got cool stuff in celebration of coming another year closer to age 30, and even joined Weight Watchers so I can start undoing the damage caused by my diet of chocolate mini-donuts, Chipotle burrito bols, and Ben & Jerry's One Sweet Whirled. Wish me luck!

Let's see, what else can I share? My love life continues to be non-existent...I don't even have any good crushes anymore, save for the hopeless one on the guy who barely knows I exist. I don't think I'm mature enough to be in a relationship, anyway. Yesterday I read in a friend's blog that The Boy had been down in Texas around the same time I was, and just the reminder that he's still out there and hanging out with mutual friends, yet doesn't even send me an e-mail once in a while (and why would I even want him to, anyway!) made me all depressed. Bleh. I need to get over it. I have good friends of both the male and female variety, so all that's really missing in my life is intimacy, and I've proven I'm not so hot at that! Besides, nuns survive without it. Spinsterhood can't be that bad.

(The above is, of course, total bullshit. I'm 26, dammit, and I only have maybe 8-10 years of fertility left! Surely there's SOMEBODY out there with whom I'm capable of maintaining an adult relationship! WHERE IS HE???!!!)

Phew. Enough of all that. I'm getting on a plane to Nashville in something like eighteen hours, and I haven't even started packing. In fact, I haven't even unpacked from last week. And I still need to refill a prescription, do two loads of laundry, and bag up some "healthy" snacks in preparation for six days of ass-expanding meals out. AND I'm supposed to go to class tonight. I better haul ass....

1 comment:

Ricard said...

if u write on blogger but you take too much time to click the publish button,the connection will timeout, and sometimes all your work will be eaten. It happened to me too. Couldn't get the text back, so this is my advise, before clicking publish button, copy the text into notepad just in case.