Friday, April 08, 2005

Moments in time

It smells like spring today...the sun is out, the sky is a mind-blowing blue without a cloud in sight. It's Friday and the weekend is stretched out in front of me without too much to clutter it up. It's a nice feeling, knowing there's nothing to do, after six days of running.

Nashville was a good trip. I spent a lot of time (some might say a bit too much time) with coworkers who have become friends...some of the people who have made Ohio my home over the past few weeks. I got all kinds of spiritual fuel from Mitch Albom and Beverly Tatum (and I have a signed copy of this book I cool or what?) and sort of reconnected with what I love about my profession, even though I don't always find it in my job.

The rhythm of my life is a little screwy right now--the pace has been disrupted. I'm trying to settle into a new cadence...rethinking how I treat myself, how I treat the people around me...figuring out how to help my family through hard times when I can't be there every day to give hugs, wipe away tears, listen. It seems like the last three weeks have served as some kind of turning point, and I can't see around the bend. Not to sound uncharacteristically or cheesily optimistic, but I kind of have the feeling that things are going to be okay.

"from lost and not found, to run and not hide
my hand inside your hand
losing my grip, falling so far
my hand inside your hand
I hear your voice and follow
so hard to believe, and still I go"

1 comment:

Lauren said...

oooh, I love that JOC song. Glad you had a good time in Nashville!!