Monday, April 04, 2005

Yee Haw!

So I'm blogging from Nashville, standing at a cyber cafe with people crammed on both sides of me, but it's daylight so I don't think anyone is surfing porn. So far the conference I'm at has been pretty cool, although I have yet to actually go to any programs! I did get to hear Mitch Albom speak last night. To tell the truth, I didn't really think it would be anything special--I hadn't read Tuesdays With Morrie, and I imagined it was going to be one of those one-size-fits-all inspirational speeches that a lot of famous authors will spin out when they're in front of some organization that they don't understand. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. Mitch's speech was about the value of relationships, about not wasting time and energy on things we won't be able to take with us, and I guess that gets to the heart of what I do for a living. Why is it that I always have to go to some convention eight hours away to get energized about my job again?

Big news...I talked to The Boy last night. Of course I was a wreck, babbling and doing my best to appear nonchalant, while inside I was shaking. This version of The Boy wasn't the same one I talked to six months ago. This guy was mature, contrite, and very hesitant. I want to believe that he's grown up a little. Or maybe that I've grown up a little. I want to think that we'll meet up for a drink in a few months and be able to reflect on our shared history without regret or silences full of all that we never had the guts to say. The thing about love, though, is that it doesn't get any less intense just because you walk away from it. Or maybe I'm just not ready to be over him.

Whew, that's too much profoundness for eight-thirty am...time to get a caffiene fix and head to the next session. More later...

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