Friday, August 26, 2005

Settling In

Well, here it goes: Year # 2 in Northeast Ohio. It's been a whacked-out couple of weeks, with pretty much non-stop work, and I know it's only going to get worse. The good news is that amidst all the chaos, I've managed to spend quality time with my friends and keep up the steady stream of pessimistic humor that I'm known for. I'm jealous of the fabulous vacations that everyone's got under their belt--the mountains, NYC, Key West--while I boast of the quality time I spent in scenic North Dakota and rural summer I really do need to save some cash and hit someplace like Las Vegas. Or maybe I'll finally do that backpacking trip through Montana that I've been talking about since 1998. Right now, though, is no time to be thinking about vacations. Classes start on Monday, and I'm coordinating this very interesting thing called a learning community, so my life is about to turn into more of a swirling mass of activity than ever. I'm oddly excited about the impending stress. As always, I seem to work best when the pressure's on, the ulcer is flaring up, and sleep is at a premium. Plus it gives me less time to obsess over the opposite sex...

So speaking of which, I'm not sure where things are going with the new dude. I'm definitely into him--I've healed from the final Boy drama, and I feel good about moving on. And I'm convinced that this guy is totally perfect for me. He's out of his 20s, done with the whole party-obsession phase, settled into a good job, and has this laid-back attitude that I envy. Plus, he's tall, cute, and has a great sense of humor. I feel like he might be into me too, but it's hard to tell--maybe he's just one of those really nice guys? Whenever I talk to him, I feel like we're the only ones in the room. And those of you who know me are well aware of how I generally become an absolute babbling moron in the presence of guys I like, right? Not with this one. I swear, I'm actually comfortable around him. Is it a sign? Am I imagining all of this? Holy crap, I'm so sick of this demented game. Send me some happy vibes, everybody! I think the time may have come for the peacegrrl to enter the world of the emotionally mature relationship...

Anyway, that's just about all I have to report for now. I'm about to start my regular schedule of endless hours in the office, so I'm sure I'll be posting a lot more in the next couple of weeks. For now, though, it's time to grab some food, and then I'm off to a Colin Hay concert tonight. More soon!

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