Friday, March 24, 2006

On the road again

So I got back from Indianapolis about 48 hours ago, and in a little more than 12 I'll be on the way to Texas. Thank goodness I have a washer and dryer in my apartment, or clean underwear would definitely be a problem after my 2-week travel marathon. Islegavia has decided to brave the wilds of H-town with me, so I'm hoping it's a success. My family--mom with a broken arm, sister three months pregnant (and quite grumpy about it), aunt Hazel crazy as always, and Tequila the Wonderdog--who actually ATE her way out of her harness--should provide endless hours of entertainment. It will make for some good stories, at the very least.

So I turn 27 in a few days, and I'm reflecting on the fact that birthdays start to suck after around age 17. When you're little, it's as if a special holiday has been set aside just for you, complete with ice-cream cake from 31 Flavors and matching Strawberry Shortcake dinnerware. When you're older, it's just about getting older. Sure, you might get a free margarita out of the deal, and some well-meaning friend will try and get you humiliated by the waitstaff at Ruby Tuesday's, but overall the shine has definitely worn off. I'm about to round the bend to 30, the biological clock is ticking as always, and I don't feel like I've accomplished much of anything. Welcome to the self-pity-fest known as the quarterlife crisis.

Well, with a stack of things to do before I can blow out of here I guess I'd better quit reflecting and get to work. By the way, Peacegrrl's World reached a milestone last week: 7,000 hits (since I put in a counter, anyway, and I can't remember when that was). Cool. I know this blog can be terribly whiny and self-indulgent, but I hope it's at least a little entertaining, too. Thanks for reading!

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