Monday, March 06, 2006

A Phillip Seymour Hoffman love story.

Ok. I realize, as I have stated time and time again, that I am the only female alive willing to admit that I find Phillip Seymour Hoffman remotely attractive. This isn't an actor with a fan site full of screensavers and wallpaper and gushing comments. But I can't help it. I love him. And now he has an OSCAR, so back off!!!

Oh, Phillip (can I call you Phil?), when did my affections begin? Maybe it was when you played that junkie on the 1991 episode of Law and Order. Or maybe you won my heart when you tried to bring father and son together in Magnolia. In any case, State and Main and Empire Falls pretty much sealed it. Sure, they say you're chubby and unattractive, but I say you're portly and endearing. If you ever get lonely, just call the peacegrrl.

Alrighty, enough of that. Last night was the annual pg oscar party, and hilarity certainly ensued. I annoyed everyone during the montages with my endless proclamations of "I've seen that! It's good!", and was even more obnoxious when all of my oscar predictions came true. But my friends endured all of it, and seriously cheered me up after a depressing weekend. I'm so relieved that the semester is half over, and that ACPA and Spring Break are just around the corner. And that I'm only on duty on more time this month--my weekend was total hell. I am not exaggerating--I was up both nights until 4am dealing with alcohol abuse in some form (including some girl-on-girl fighting in one of the halls!), and my pager went off so many times that the battery literally died. Blah! At least it's over and I survived. It's a new week, and I vow to keep my pissiness to a minimum. Maybe I'll give up pessimism for Lent?

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