Tuesday, January 25, 2005

My Act, Together

I'm so used to everything in my life--work, relationships, the state of my apartment--being a mess that when I actually feel a sense of order, it kind of freaks me out. Today is one of those days. My job is going well, I'm feeling good about my place in the world, and I even vacuumed and did laundry this weekend. I haven't really thought about The Boy in weeks, I'm not worried about Blind Date guy, I've completely let go of obsessing over the Crush--it's almost like I'm sort of embracing singlehood at the moment. (Well, not really, let's face it, this is a temporary state and I'll start up again with the "biological clock" and "plight of the single woman" crap soon enough). Seriously, though, I had a good time with my friends last night and reflected about the decisions I've made, and I can honestly say that I don't have any regrets about moving up here. Yes, I hate the cold. Work could be better. There are days when I want to be where everything is comfortable and my mom is only three hours away. But this was the right thing to do--I know it in my heart. And it's so rare that I know anything in my heart that I'm feeling pretty blessed at the moment.

But let's get into character and do a little ranting. Here are a few very minor, shallow, unimportant things that are getting on my nerves these days. First of all, what the hell is up with people who don't pull their hats down, so they're just sort of sitting there on top of their heads, serving absolutely no purpose? What is that? Isn't the point of the hat to keep your head warm? If you don't want to mess up the hair, don't wear the damn hat! I'm just saying. Also, why do people reverse into parking spaces? Now I hesitate to bring it up, because I have a lot of friends and family members who do the backing-in thing, but honestly, why? To make it easy for a quick getaway? Maybe I'm jealous because I can't reverse worth a damn--I'm convinced that people who do this do it just to show everyone they can. And finally, I'm irritated by the fact that I'm so intimidated by the idea of going into the Rec Center. See, I've been working out every day for over two weeks now (whoo-hoo for me!), but I do it at home with free weights. I need to start upping the weight and adding cardio, which, since it's like 5 degrees outside lately, means either an indoor track or a treadmill. But I don't want to go to the Rec! I don't know where anything is, the last time I circuit-trained was like five years ago, and I REALLY don't want one of my discipline cases to see me sweating and bouncing around. Yes, it's silly and shallow of me. But it's the truth.

So the Oscar nominations are out... yup, I'm one of those nerds who watches them faithfully every year. I used to invite my all-female staff over for Oscar parties. In college, my two best friends and I would place bets on who would win. I get into it. And this year there are definitely some good contenders...I think Sideways is probably going to take it all, but I really liked The Aviator. The acting was fantastic (Leo has finally come out of the shithouse with me for his performances in The Titanic and The Beach, and can you believe Cate Blanchett? She rocks!), the cinemetography was flawless, the costumes were cool. I haven't seen Million Dollar Baby yet, though, and I hear it's Clint's masterpiece. We'll see. I really loved Finding Neverland, but I think it's one of those movies that just won't get its due. I'm a little pissy that Mick Jagger's song for Alfie got passed over, but maybe they figure it was such a silly movie that it didn't warrant a nomination even in the "Best Song" category, but really! That awful Counting Crows song from Shrek is up, what the hell? I'm still a little peeved at Adam Duritz.

So on the subject of movies, gotta give a little shout to my buddy LD, who, I discovered, now has a blog of her own, and had a similar reaction to In Good Company--we both zeroed in on the great Iron and Wine songs. Honestly, if you haven't listened to this band yet, what the hell are you waiting for? Even my mom likes them. And while we're talking about music, gotta give one more plug to Mason Jennings. It's January, so listen to "Dr. King" and reflect on what you can do to love your fellow man.

I finally seem to have run out of things to say, so that's all for today.


Matt said...

Ferreals: Iron & Wine=great. But I am the only one who wasn't upset that Topher and ScoJo didn't get back together at the end? I mean, I know it's a romantic comedy, but jeez, folks, they don't ALL have to end like that.

Peacegrrl said...

Yeah, that whole not-getting-back-together thing sort of pissed me off, too. Why is it that happy endings are so out of vogue these days?