Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So this is the new year...well, I don't feel any different.

Somehow the words of Death Cab for Cutie sum up my thoughts on the advent of 2005. I guess I should be nice and optimistic and thinking about new beginnings and all, but mainly I'm lamenting the loss of my lovely winter break. No, I didn't blog as promised. I was too busy sleeping in and sitting on my ass. Soooo relaxing. Even two weeks of sleeping on a couch couldn't bring me down from the euphoria that comes from not having to go to work! No whining residents, no nagging bosses, no alarm clocks. Such a beatiful thing, the mid-year break. Now I'm back in the freezing-cold Ohio weather, suffering through more training, and getting ready for the return of the students. I'll say it again...working in student affairs would really be SO great if it weren't for the damn students...

With the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one, people always feel the need to tie up loose ends (hence all of those year-end retrospectives, "great things in '04" and whatever) and make a list of impossible goals for '05 (we call them resolutions). And I, peacegrrl, am really no exception. So I bring you a very abbreviated list of some noteables in my world....
Best New Useless Habit: Watching "The Apprentice." Yeah, I got a little addicted to a *gasp* reality show. What can I say? It's entertaining. And I'm jazzed about the new "street smarts vs. college smarts" thing they're doing this season. Should make for plenty of catfights and intense boardroom drama.
Biggest Timekillers of '04: Blogging, of course. And reading other people's blogs. And knitting. And going on Amazon.com. And talking on IM. Okay, I do a LOT of time-killing...
Best Song: I'd have to say "Black Cadillacs" by Modest Mouse. I love, love, love it. Listen to it. It rules.
Most Inspiring Moment: Michael Moore's visit to campus in late October. If only the "Slacker Uprising Tour" had actually WORKED. Damn 18-24-year-olds.
Best Band I'd Never Heard Of: Iron & Wine. Thanks to The Guy. :-)
Best Artist I'd Never Heard Of: Mason Jennings, again, The Guy. :-)
Most Disappointing Moment: Around noon on November 3, when Kerry conceded. It hurt. Still hurts. Bleh.
Dumbest Thing Done While Intoxicated: Trying to hold an intelligent debate with my Republican coworker. Bad idea when drinking. VERY bad idea when aforementioned coworker is extremely attractive. Disastrous.
Least Disfunctional Relationship of '04: Again, more props to The Guy. Although it didn't really last long enough to be disfunctional, I say it counts!

Enough for the retrospective. As for resolutions, I hate them. I usually don't make any until around February when everybody else has already blown theirs. Let's just say that in '05 I hope to get my ass in gear and start taking better care of myself and my life. And be a better friend, because I'm blessed with some awesome allies in this life who I don't appreciate nearly enough.

Oh, and of course...I'll keep on blogging. Thanks for reading!

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