Thursday, September 29, 2005

Damn the Spam

Just wanted to let everybody know that I've turned on word verification for comments, which means that before the blog will publish your comments you'll have to type in a word that appears in a funky little box on your screen. Why have I added this extra step? Because I'm tired of getting comments that link me to websites on how to get rid of my back pain, where to find a better mortage rate, etc. Spam has found the bloggers. Curse the day. Comments are one of the coolest things about the blog, and now they've been perverted. Hopefully this will help without making the process of entering a comment such a pain in the ass that nobody bothers anymore!


Nick said...

I did the same thing, for the same reason. It's not so bad, but sometimes they make the words you're supposed to type REALLY hard to read :)

Or maybe I just need glasses...

amberjane said...

me, too, cause spammers suck!