Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Lots of stuff

So I know I've been slacking with the whole blog thing lately, and I'm sorry. But to tell you the truth, it's mainly because I can't find anything happy to write about and I'm tired of being a downer. I think my life is turning into the book of Job or something. Ed died. A week later, my dog died. Three weeks after that, my aunt had a stroke. And now my sister's in this relationship that has turned abusive. What more could happen? I keep saying it can't get any worse, and then it does. I try to have faith, and then everything falls apart and it's hard for me to hang on to any sort of optimism. I'm sick of dealing with one catastrophe after another, and sick of being alone in the midst of all of it. And now I'm starting to sound really whiny, so that's it--end of subject.

I know I haven't gone on in a while about guys, mainly because there have been way more important things to worry about, but rest assured, the peacegrrl manhunt continues. I think some progress has been made. I hope. I'm taking it slow. I think that the whole game we play when we're attracted to somebody is really pretty ridiculous, but I guess that's what separates us from the animals. Since I'm trying to enter the world of the emotionally mature relationship, I'm thinking patience is pretty important. Wish me luck.

So I had this totally fall weekend--I went to the apple orchard with my buddy islegavia and we baked pies all afternoon on Sunday. We were feeling very domestic. The leaves are really changing now, so it was beautiful at the orchard. But today it's feeling a lot more like winter, and we might even get a little snow this week--ick. I'm not ready for six months of darkness yet! I guess it's time to break out the flannel sheets and the long underwear. I feel like a seasoned veteran, having survived one northeast Ohio winter. At least this year I'm prepared for the misery. And it's almost cookie-baking time...mmm. Man, I'm starting to sound like betty crocker. Well, if the way to a guy's heart is through his stomach, hopefully I'll have them chasing me, right?

Right, so there wasn't much of a focus to this entry. Sorry about that. I promise I'll try to stop sounding like Debbie Downer and post more often. Send me some positive energy.

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