Thursday, October 27, 2005

Some Thursday peppiness

Well, today is a better day. It probably shouldn't be--after all, I have a dentist appointment at 4, it's cloudy and freezing outside, and I'm in the midst of that one week a month that all females curse--but I find myself doing ok for a change. I aced a midterm (in a subject I don't even grasp), which is an awesome feeling--I can't believe I'm not flunking out of grad school in the midst of all the crappy stuff happening in my life. Even better, the apple pies that islegavia and I slaved over all day Sunday are a hit. We're quite the pie-baking power team, I tell you. I actually haven't tried any yet--was waiting for i to get back from a family emergency so we could sample them together--but tonight's the night. Mmmm....pie.

Let's see, what else isn't broken in my life right now? Things are improving with my sister--my bro-in-law is in treatment and hopefully sticks it out. At least sis is getting a chance to be on her own and get her head together a little bit. She's staying with peacegrrl mama, which makes me happy--I hate the thought of my ma being on her own so much of the time. There's a new doggie in the pg clan, too, a mutt named Tequila who supposedly has a mullet hairdo. I have yet to see this, but when I do, I'll be sure to post a picture. Speaking of dogs, this woman from a pet therapy they're starting on campus brought a beautiful golden retriever named Jake to our professional development meeting this morning, and I'm telling you, when that dog entered the room, you could literally feel the stress floating away. Dogs for everyone, I say. We're allowed to have cats, but they're snooty and they make me sneeze (no offense to georgia Q, vixen) so I haven't taken advantage of the priveledge.

Anyway, overall life doesn't suck too badly today. Boy stuff seems to be clicking along. The weekend is coming, payday is Monday, and the semester is over halfway finished. It's nice to have a reason to smile.

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