Tuesday, November 15, 2005


So I know that I've been lousy about keeping up with the blog lately. I have a few excuses...my computer froze up when I tried to update last week and I lost my post, and I've been too crabby to write much. Plus I fear that my posts aren't very interesting, especially compared with my friends who are off on fabulous adventures, or getting married, or are just way more creative than I am. I think I use the format more for bitching than anything else. Then again, it's my blog and I'll bitch if I want to, right?

Then let's begin. Work...stressful, overwhelming, annoying, and exhausting. I burn out every year right about now, and I'm definitely on schedule. I spend most days racing to keep up with everything I'm expected to do. Of course once again I'm spending a lot of time pondering whether or not this is actually what I want to do with my life. I'm sick of college students...SO sick of them. I don't know that the five-day Thanksgiving break is going to help much. I hope so. This is one of the only things (besides knitting and baking chocolate chip cookies, neither of which is particularly lucrative) that I'm good at. It doesn't help that my entire social circle is tied up in my job, which is probably not the healthiest thing.

Which brings us to my "love life"...which is basically non-existent. Yes, I like a guy. No, I have no idea if the feeling is mutual. And I'm in no mood to risk rejection. For now I've decided that friendship is good enough for the moment, and let's be honest, about all I really have time for. I can't even manage to update my blog and keep my apartment vacuumed. How am I possibly going to be able to maintain some semblance of a relationship?

My nanowrimo project is kind of a bust, because when I actually have a few minutes of downtime, I can't think of anything creative. Maybe I'll have a spurt of inspiration and hammer out another 43,000 words over the weekend, but I'm seriously doubting it. Maybe I should stick to reading novels instead of writing them. Speaking of which, Between A Rock and a Hard Place was awesome. I've moved on to the new Jennifer Weiner book, but I have to say, not too impressed so far. Then again, anything is more interesting than the crap I've been reading for my classes lately.

So okay, happy thoughts. I had a fun weekend, with lots of time with my totally platonic love interest. The Guy (remember last July's quasi-romantic saga?) is supposed to be swinging through town sometime this weekend, which should be fun. Might the Peacegrrl find herself in a compromising position in which she must weigh the ethics of perhaps being presented with the possibility of getting a little action against the fact that she has an enormous crush on someone else? We shall see. I'm headed to Texas for Thanskgiving in a week--yay for turkey, mom, and no work! The first snow is supposed to come this week, which is okay--the first snow is fine. It's all pretty and sparkly and fun for the first twenty-four hours. It's after the forty-fifth snow, when everything's covered in gray slush and the bottoms of all of my pants are eaten away by salt stains, that it really starts to get old. And that's all the good stuff I can come up with for the moment, although I'm sure there's lots more.

That's all for today...I'm off to a meeting and then my workday is officially over. Yay for getting to bed at a decent hour. I promise to post more often, bitching or no bitching.

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