Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Week So Far

A rundown...

1. I bought the book Between A Rock And A Hard Place on Sunday and it's been practically impossible to put down. Holy crap. This guy's story is unbelievable. The way he describes his completely organic connection with the outdoors, his ascent to absolute despair and his climb out of it...damn, it's good. Favorite line so far: "A crystalline moment shatters and the world is a different place." Totally begs for reflection on my own "crystalline moments", but I don't think any experience I've had can compare with sitting trapped in a canyon for a week with my right arm jammed under a boulder...

2. The CD I can't stop listening to right now: Picaresque, by The Decemberists. The CD I plan to buy next: Elevator, by Hot Hot Heat. So much good music in the world, so little time.

3. My freakin' tooth is killing me. I have the toothache to end all toothaches. It's so bad I don't know if I'm going to make it in to work tommorow. It's getting yanked on Friday, and oh, how THAT thrills me. This hasn't really been my year, medically speaking.

4. My search for a Mature Relationship appears to be at a standstill for the moment. We're stuck. I don't know if this thing is ever going to get moving. I need to work on my patience where love is concerned. Any advice?

5. I've signed up for NaNoWriMo, which is short for "National Novel Writing Month," and it's this big thing where you try to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. This was the kick-off day, and I'm at something like 600 words. I think they're 600 words of crap, and you'll probably never see them (or any that follow), but the point is quantity, not necessarily quantity, and I want to see if I can actually hit the 50,000 goal. Among all of those words, there will hopefully be a few worth keeping and maybe doing something with. As if I really have any time for this...but I don't care--it's fun and if it means I get behind in a few other things, so be it. It's only a month.

6. This is Tequila, the new peacegrrl family pet:

You can see the top of her bizarre, unexplainable mohawk/mullet hairdo in between her ears. How damn CUTE is she?

I guess I'll close with that. It's hard to come up with anything to follow puppy pictures.

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