Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Some stuff I forgot to mention...

First a clarification...my whole rant about sex in that last post wasn't related to the guy I spent the majority of it talking about. That was actually residual frustration from other undefined relationships. Sorry for any confusion.

Also, I forgot to say, for those following along at home, that the friend I was sort of clashing with when I wrote this post and I have made up, and all is well. Which makes me very happy.

Another thing. I'm going to be in Texas from tommorow until January 4th. So if you're in the Lone Star State and you read this, the odds are that you're a good friend of mine who I'd really like to see. If you're going to be within any reasonable distance of Houston during that time, let me know so we can get together.

Okay, I think that's all. I need to go to bed, or pack, or something. I'll do my best to post from home and let you know all about Christmas with the peacegrrl clan.

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