Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Countdown To Insanity!

The little "election countdown" picture on the right-hand side of this page is starting to freak me out. One week left. Holy shit. What ever will I talk about after it's all decided? Okay, you're right, I do plenty of non-political bitching and ranting, but still. The campaign has provided so much fodder for intellectual banter, both in the real and virtual worlds. After it's all said and done, the bottom line is that half of America is going to be really, really pissed off. And then a few days later we'll get over it and go on about our daily business. It'll be the end of an era. They say it's too close to call in Ohio right now, and from the way it's looking with all of the early-voting problems, I hope that there isn't any mass hysteria when the numbers come in and they're only a few thousand apart. I hope that both candidates exhibit some grace and don't insist on a recount and Supreme Court intervention and hold us all in suspense until Christmas. For better or worse, let's just get the damn thing over with.

Having said that, good grief, I hope Kerry can win this thing. I went to see Michael Moore on Sunday night, how fabulous is that? I don't always agree with the guy, but I will tell you, what a speech he can give. A perfect combination of humor, optimism, and sharp (though definitely skewed) observation, in a language that the everyday person can understand. Yeah, he gets on his high horse, but he admits it. You listen to him and you think maybe there's hope for this country yet. It's so relieving to be surrounded by the pro-choice, super-liberal likeminded. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too far to the left, but then I realize, you know, most Americans are like me--they just don't always want to admit it.

Well, I'm babbling without much of a purpose so perhaps it's time for a subject change. The scariest movie ever is playing on channel 10 all week, I guess in tribute to Halloween, and I wonder, how many Exorcist nightmares will I have this month? It's a sick fascination I have with this movie. Every time I watch it, I get insomnia for a week, and when I do manage to get a little sleep my dreams are full of devil people spewing pea-soup puke. I know--there's so much hype, but how scary can it really be? But watch it alone in your apartment in the dead of night, people. And yet I'm always tempted to put it on--after all, scares aside, it's a pretty good movie. The plot is intriguing, the acting isn't half bad, and the general spookiness really gets into your head. It's definitely not the horror movie of the new millenium, but it proves that good old-fashioned psychological terror is much more effective than a billion dollars worth of CG special effects. So will I be able to resist temptation and stay away from the scariness in favor of sweet dreams and a good night's sleep? Or will Halloween mischief get the best of me? We shall see...

Speaking of Halloween, did anybody know how big a deal this stupid holiday is in Ohio college towns? From what I've heard, all the furies of hell break loose at the downtown bars. We're doubling up duty coverage in all of the residence halls, and the police are setting up as though it's riot time. What's the deal? Where I'm from, if you're that excited about Halloween you go down to Sixth Street in Austin. Otherwise it's just another day. Maybe because on Oct. 31 it's still freakin' 90 degrees outside and it's too hot for people to feel like being crazy. Who knows. I'll just tell you that I'm dreading this weekend--or rather, I'm dreading Monday morning, when I get to process the fifty or so resulting discipline cases. Maybe during my meetings with the "bad kids" I'll ask some philosophical questions and try to get to the bottom of all of this Halloween madness.

This post has absolutely no point. As an english major they tried to teach us the importance of sticking to a clear topic in our essay writing, and here I am, disgracing my degree and spewing out whatever comes to mind. My advisor would be horrified.

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