Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Blogging from the lone star state

I realize that I have been remiss in terms of blog consistency...the half-dozen faithful readers of peacegrrl's world are surely lamenting the fact that it's been over a week since I've posted. I have a good excuse. I was dealing with the end-of-semester funfest that is Winter Closing. It was all worth it, though to see that beautiful sight on Saturday empty parking lot. So now it's "vacation" time and I'm back in the south, where the folks are polite and the temperatures are bearable. Six inches of snow...not really my bag! But I'm happy to say that after landing on my ass no less than twice during the first 24 hours of snow, I bought myself some fancy L.L. Bean boots and it hasn't happened again. I'm acclimating, slowly but surely. Now that I'm mildly used to it, I've headed for the 70-degree Texas weather so that when I go home in three weeks I can experience the shock and misery all over again!

I have nothing exciting to report on the man front...Blind Date boy and I have gotten together a few times since the last post, and I'm still not sure where we're going, if anywhere. And I can't decide if I care enough to actually ask. I'm visiting my married friend in Houston right now and while I'm cerainly not quite ready to commit to the idea of sex with only one person for the rest of my life (not to mention having to share both the bed and the bathroom), marriage seems like a pretty sweet deal in a lot of ways. A built-in date, someone who will drive when you don't want to, regular sex (well, I guess that depends...) and no more cooking for one. Hmm. It bears consideration.

Okay, better go, getting up early to head to the funhouse known as my mom's house. Whoo-hoo! I'll do my best to blog from the home base and pass along some holiday dysfunction for all to enjoy. Happy Christmas/Channakah/Kwaanza/Solstice/Festivus! (Did I forget anyone?)

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