Friday, July 09, 2004


What can I share today? Well, first off, I want my blog to be as cool as this one. Funny, insightful, and very, very twentysomething. Plus I linked to this hilarious blog about people who deserve a beatdown. Read it and you'll laugh your ass off.

It's friday, and who knows what the weekend will bring? My sister is allegedly coming to visit, but I haven't heard from her in over 24 hours so I have the feeling she's going to cancel. I'm hoping to hang out with K-dog at some point, and the former-mystery-guy. I think I like this guy, which is both very cool and rather depressing! I leave town in two weeks. Sometimes timing just absolutely sucks. And I've decided that I'm terrible at dating. It's all such a damn game, when you think about it. When you realize that you like someone, you're not supposed to be obvious about it because that means you're easy. If you don't like them, you can't be obvious about that either, because that's rude. There's nervousness, and distress over what to wear (which I think is absolute bullshit and I don't know why I buy into it). There's the whole "will-he-call-should-i-call-him-what-if-he-doesn't-really-like-me-after-all-damn-and-i-thought-he-was-nice-i-guess-i'll-die-alone-after-all" female melodrama thing. And don't get me started on the whole sex thing. Don't you just love hormones and the dance that goes along with them--will we have sex? How soon is too soon? Three dates? Four? Am I a slut if I do it earlier than that? Will the relationship be doomed? Can we talk about sex? And of course when you get further along, it gets worse: how much sex have you had? Protected sex? When was your last HIV test? Modern times are a PAIN IN THE ASS. Why can't it be like the sixties when everybody was screwing everybody else and nobody cared? I take that back, that's kind of gross. But anyway, getting to the point of this ramble, what frustrates me about dating and the whole American social ritual is how artificial it seems to be. We are so afraid to just be who we are. At least I am. I have a tendency to tell people EVERYTHING way too soon, and that always leads to me getting fucked over in some way. So I try to hold back, and I end up sounding like an asshole.

Enough of that. I saw a good movie last night, "House of Sand And Fog." Don't watch it if you're into that fairy-tale-ending thing, though--it's depressing. I went to bed depressed, and then woke up to Senator Rockefeller reporting on the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on pre-Iraq intelligence. Turns out that it should be called pre-Iraq BULLSHIT. "A massive intelligence failure." He said that if Congress had known then what we know now about how fucked up our information was, they never would have voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq. Well, NO SHIT. I'm sure the Republicans will put a lovely spin on the issue, "at least we got Sadaam out, everyone is happier now." Right. They're thrilled. So are the hundreds of Americans grieving for their sons and daughters who died for faulty intelligence. Whoo-hoo for America! I love my country, but I hate it when we blindly follow and refuse to THINK.

Okay, as I've mentioned, I'm not smart enough to do the political commentary thing so I'd better stop. It's Friday, time to be happy! And I've gone on long enough, so goodbye for now...

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