Sunday, July 11, 2004

My posts are too long...

So I think I should make them shorter. My babbling habit must be curbed. I've actually discovered that technically, a blog is a place to comment on what you see on the web, while an online journal is where you're supposed to go on and on about your life. So maybe I'm misusing my blogging powers. Too bad. This is easy and I'm lazy!

Speaking of babbling, I went on the third date with The Guy (notice he's a GUY, not just a BOY! I'm growing up! It's so exciting!) and I was my usual nervous self. And those of you who know me are well aware that nervousness, with me, leads to babbling. And off I went. That's why it's a good thing I read a lot and stay well-informed about the world. It lends a sort of pseudo-intelligence to my babbling, and, I suppose, makes it bearable. He seemed cool with it. He obviously must be, because he continues to want to see me. I'm starting to get bummed about the whole thing. I mean, I can see that this really might be the beginning of something--that is, if I were sticking around. Since I'm not, I'm not sure where it's going, if anywhere, and the abbreviation is sad. But it's good to remember what it's like to date. And it's REALLY good to actually date, not just use eating and watching movies as the precursor to sex. I'd almost forgotten that people actually do that! How refreshing.

Now for the real "blog" part of this entry. Check out Beliefnet. There are so many groovy things about this site. The "Belief-o-matic" will tell you where you stand, spiritually (you may be very surprised with the results). There are communities for practically every religion imaginable, information on meditation, news, stuff on natural medicine, and even "SoulMatch," a new matchmaking tool (haven't checked it out yet, though). And there's a whole section on faith and politics. I'm discovering how incredibly important it is for spiritual progressives and liberals to speak the hell up. The only voice for faith right now is coming from the right, and that's bullshit! Contrary to popular belief, Dubya is NOT the Jesus of the 21st century! Anyway, back to the subject at hand, Beliefnet is cool, check it out.

And that's all for today, folks! Two more weeks until the big trip, and I'm sure they will be eventful, so check back often, you five faithful readers!

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