Thursday, July 15, 2004


Must-read for today: Jim Wallis's commentary about Jerry Falwell and the religious right on Sojo. It's incredibly refreshing to have someone criticize the fact that conservative Christians seem to catagorize "morals" only in terms of who gets an abortion and whether or not it's okay for two people who love each other to get married. Never mind corruption, poverty, and unjustified war. This article really blew me away. Thank God for people like Jim Wallis, who fight the psycho far-righters who give Christians a bad name.

As for the anxious title of my blog, well, that word seems appropriate for the way I've been feeling (and acting) lately. My friend A and I went out to dinner last night and she said that I was so jumpy she was starting to think I was in a hurry to get away from her. I guess it's all about this damn move. I'm a nervous wreck because it's so close and I feel like there are too many loose ends that aren't going to be tied off. Time is ticking away, and I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff. The Guy adds a new dimension of impatience. Why couldn't I have met him a year ago? I'm actually seeing someone who I'm not afraid to be myself with, and who seems okay with that, emotional baggage and all. And--BAM! It will practically be over before it begins. I work, he works, and we both have social lives, so that amounts to us maybe getting together one or two more times before I'm out of here. And what happens after that? I have no idea, if anything. So I'm fidgety over that, wondering when we'll meet up again, while simultaneously doing the early relationship thing: agonizing and overanalyzing over whether or not he really likes me (which ALL women do, no matter how comfortable with ourselves we profess to be). There is WAY too much going on right now and I feel like I'm about to explode!

So what's a girl to do? Perservere, I guess. What else is there? Take it one minute at a time. I'll be fine, I know, and I'll be glad I decided to move, once I get there. Everything will work out for the best. I have to keep telling myself that or I'll go nuts! In the meantime it's my job to keep the hysteria at bay.

1 comment:

Peacegrrl said...

Oh, vixen, you always seem to know how to make me feel better! Love you!