Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Smart stuff

In response to the overwhelming demand (okay, not really, only two people that I know of actually read this thing), I've decided to add a new feature to Peacegrrl's World: PolitiBlogs. See, I'm a liberal, but I'm not always particularly well-spoken (or written, as the case may be). There are legions of progressives out there who are smarter than I am. There's no need for me to compete. And besides, this blog is supposed to be a whine about my life, not a political commentary (I'm not nearly intelligent enough to take on the task). So I'm going to create a list of blogs that I've seen that say it a lot better than I ever could. I've looked at all of these blogs, and they're smart (no stupid grammatical errors), well-written (meaning they back up what they say), and, in some cases, pretty damn funny. I'm not going to agree 100% with all of them, but let's face it, they're going to be fairly one-sided. Hey, I'm not a reporter, and I have no obligation to be fair and balanced! So look for this new feature to be added soon...as soon as I get back from lunch.

Anybody want some of the latest Peacegrrl News? Well, I spent a record-breaking four full days with my family this weekend, which was fun, refreshing, and about one day too long. I love my family, I truly do. But let's face it: going home when you have PMS is NEVER a good idea. The best thing about the weekend (besides the food, of course) was the bonding time with my mom and sister. And I spent some quality time with Mimi the Wonderdog. Weird to think that I probably won't be back again until Thanksgiving or Christmas. Let's see, other headlines of note: I reserved a U-Haul and packed two more boxes. The move is inching closer. I also met the mystery guy, who is very nice, and unfortunately I will probably begin forging a meaningful friendship with him just as I'm getting ready to take off. Other noteworthy events: my friend Lisa has started a blog! So far it only has one entry, but I'm looking forward to a regular dose of Lisa wisdom. I'm a firm believer that everyone should have a blog. Most of them are crappy, and nobody really reads them, but it is highly cathartic to send your deep thoughts out there. It's the modern-day message in a bottle. And that's all for now, folks...

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