Monday, November 15, 2004

Bridget Jones has nothing on Peacegrrl

So okay, I'm a thick chick with an appreciation of British humor, so obviously I really enjoyed the first Bridget Jones. Then I went to see the second, and while I was entertained and dug the happy ending, I've had some time to reflect on my life as it compares to Bridg's. I've concluded that I think I really should be with Colin Firth. I mean, I'm way less nuts than Bridget, I'm definitely smarter, and while even the "chubby" version of Renee Zellwegger is a little less zaftig than me, I've definitely got better hair and a good complexion. I'm quirky! I say silly things in public! Where's my sexy British lawyer boyfriend?

Seriously, as I continue to navigate the "single young professional" battlefield, I wonder how valuable it is to be yourself. That's my credo when it comes to men. I don't really bullshit around, my online personal ad is as honest as I could make it (and back off, online personal ads are not indicative of desperation! YOU try working on a college campus and trying to meet men!), and when I go out on a date, I tell the truth. I'm told that all of this straightforwardness is eventually going to pay off, and movies like Bridget Jones reinforce the notion that the ticket to true love is be who you are. But then sometimes I look at myself and I think that what I see as quirky is probably more likely to be construed as ridiculous...and while that might work for Renee masquerading as a basket case, I'm not so sure it translates particularly well into reality.

But let's look at the upside. I'm a smart girl, I've got a good career going (even if it is a little stressful), I'm working the new short hairdo, and I have excellent taste in music. And while I may have a few more curves than some, I think I know how to put them to their best use. One thing that's nice about not being supermodel-beautiful is that you don't end up dating as many disaster areas. Usually when I go out with a guy, he's got some depth to him, which I suppose makes up for the fact that I'm not getting asked out every five minutes. (Way to put a positive spin on my lackluster social life!) I imagine it's better to spend a little bit of time with a few good guys than to waste hours upon hours on a bunch of losers.

My point, anyway, is that me and the thousands of other fairly average, curvacious, career-focused women out there are the real Bridget Jones's. We don't have to scarf down calorie-augmented diets to fill out our skeleton-thin bodies and get boobs--we were born with 'em. And while the sexy lawyer types don't always drop into our laps, the important thing is to realize that we deserve them, and if we quit settling for the leftovers and telling ourselves we should take what we can get, a hot guy with a brain must be out there waiting for us somewhere.

At least that's what I keep telling myself... :-)


Nick said...

Being straight foward with guys will probably pay off as much as jumping in front of a dump truck in lieu of getting plastic surgery :)

Peacegrrl said...

Oh nick...ouch! Spoken like a true pessimist. I guess we're kindred spirits after all. I don't agree with your politics, but I do love your daily dose of smart-ass...thanks for your brutally honest comment!