Friday, November 05, 2004

Let's get happy again

Really, I guess it's not that bad. As a friend said the other day, "look on the bright side! Bush only has four more years to screw us!" I hope that we democrats don't get all bent out of shape and stop caring. Now, more than ever, we need to keep bitching and writing letters and generally making nuiscances of ourselves. And let's face it, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's being a big pain in the ass. That's what activism is really all about, isn't it?

So I'm gearing up for a big trip to Cleveland! Ok, I know, Cleveland is only about forty miles away from me, but still. I've never been, and I'm sorta excited. We're staying at a nice hotel, going to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and technically it's a work thing, so it's all FREE! At the very least it means I won't be at work on Monday and Tuesday, and that's reason enough for some enthusiasm. Maybe I'll meet some hot Res Life professional who will sweep me off of my feet. Uh...yeah...I know most of the males in my field are gay, married, or scary, but a girl can dream. I'm getting so sick of meeting Mr. Not-Quite-Right, or Mr. Not-Right-Now. Or Mr. Never-Calls. You'd think I'd give up on the idea of men altogether. But when it comes to the opposite sex, I manage to dig out the little bit of optimism that I've got. To my detriment, of course.

Well, there are only two and half hours left in my workweek, so I guess I'd better make them count. I'll be sure to report next week on my Cleveland adventure. Until then...

1 comment:

amberjane said...

what's up in cleveland? If you get a chancce, go to Tower City...It's an awesome mall! knowing that you're going to be there this weekend makes me very nostalgic for BWC and Berea...enjoy your trip and i will see you after Christmas!!