Friday, February 11, 2005

Items of Note

So first of all, it's after five on a friday and I'm in the office updating my blog. I am a loser, loser, loser!!!!

Secondly, I have spent my day sitting at my desk, eating chocolate mini-donuts, looking for a pattern for a knitted ipod cozy (I'm making it for a guy, I am SUCH a loser!), and getting mad at the piece of crap res services room change website that doesn't update automatically so now two residents are pissed at me because I tried to move them into a room that isn't empty. And I WONDER why my stomach doesn't feel quite right now...

Third: I'm back in the world of the insomniacs. Up 'til 4am last night, despite 1)no caffeine after 7pm, 2)a majorly painful workout, and 3)boring reading assignments for class, which usually do the trick. So I watched Bridget Jones's Diary again. Read an old O magazine. Unloaded the dishwasher. And, of course, overslept this morning. I am so out of whack these days!

It is the Lenten season, and being a (somewhat wayward, way too progressive) Christian, I've been reflecting. It started with my last post (and thanks LD and Vixen for the encouraging comments!). I'm bugging people to hold me accountable and point out the times that stupidity seems to come flying out of my mouth (or keyboard, as the case may be). I'm trying to stop worrying so much about things totally out of my know, the really deep questions, like will the new dude I'm talking to turn out to be a loser?, Does The Boy ever even think about me?, and Why in God's name did The Guy's new girlfriend feel the need to IM me last week? I think for me, right now, faith means accepting that I don't know everything, and all that love crap will work itself out as long as I take care of my own issues.

Enough insight. I am off in search of a non-donut substance, and then moving my buddy KN out to Talmadge. A happy weekend to all, and ignore all that Valentine's Day bullshit. Love doesn't have to pick a certain day of the year. I'm convinced that VDay was invented (besides as a ploy to make a ton of money on crappy chocolate and Zale's diamonds) to make single people feel even more like social outcasts. So let's protest the damn thing.


letti said...

eek...i could use some mini donuts myself. Happy belated valentine's!

apples said...

new research says girls are happier being single. that's what we should have celebrated on V'day.

not sure if I believe it though.. but it could be that when a girl is with a guy she spends waaay too much time worrying about things a guy don't worry about when he's with a girl. (any guys reading this - you'll never understand anyway so no point explaining)