Thursday, February 17, 2005

Snow with sunshine, and other stuff

Right now it's about 25 degrees outside. It's incredibly windy, snowing like crazy...and THE SUN IS OUT. What the HELL is that? And three days ago it was 65. I know, I know, some of you are probably sick of my comments about the weather in Ohio. But come on!!! This is seriously wierd stuff! I could theoretically get myself a tan while I shovel the snow out from behind my truck. Bizzare. Is it the sign of end times?

I'm sick of this week. It started with a 13-hour drive to and from Indiana in the rain. Then I had a horrible, awful confrontation with a staff member--it's been an ongoing problem, and in a few hours, it's going to end. Some people are able to leave work at work. It's a little harder for me, living on campus, but I think it would be difficult regardless. I take everything personally. When I am not able to do a good enough job of educating someone, helping them move past their mistakes and change their behavior for the better, I feel like a failure. I wonder what I could have done differently--could I have been more patient? More helpful? More understanding? I know that it's out of my hands for the most part. But I don't take any pleasure in having to give up on someone.

Enough bummage, and on to good stuff. I bought God's Politics at the bookstore on Tuesday, and I can't put it down. It's SO right on. Buy it. Read it. Call me up and we'll discuss it. This book actually makes me want to change the world. And my buddy Mikey introduced me to, the coolest site I've seen in a while...oh yeah, and the new winter patterns are up, whoo-hoo! I think this weekend a visit to the yarn store might be warranted...after all, I've managed to stay away for over two whole months...

Well, I've got a meeting across campus to trudge through the snow for, so that's all for now. I'll try to stay warm and upbeat, and hope this week doesn't get any stranger...


Jay said...

The sorry website is a real trip. It makes me sad more than anything.

8o8gnsurfing said...

Aloha from Hawaii..just passing thru via BE. I agree with you with as being a coolsite.