Friday, December 10, 2004

Friday observations and babbles

See, lots of people agree with me! I like that Howard Dean is trying to kick some DNC ass. Maybe now we'll become a REAL party. How exciting would that be?

Okay, no more politics. Today is Friday and I have no plans. Tommorow I'm SUPPOSED to finally go out with Blind Date Guy again. Over the past three weeks we have had two planned dates and two cancellations. True, one was my fault, but one was totally his. If we don't go out soon I'm going to give up. Yes, he has been calling, and according to He's Just Not That Into You (my new dating bible, of course) this is a good thing. But unless we actually start going on dates, this is a relationship that exists only in theory. I don't need a phone buddy, for crying out loud! So we'll see if tommorow works out or there's some great excuse. And if we do go out, there's still the question of whether or not I actually like him. And whether or not we're dating or doing the friendship bullshit. Will a connection be made that's deep enough for me to cancel my winter-break bootie-call plans? Not that I have plans, exactly... There's this one guy I had a crush on in grad school, and two of my friends have informed him of said crush and also not-so-subtly let him know that I'll be around for a while this month (this is SO high school!), so we'll see if something develops there. Not that I'm a fan of anything long-distance, but I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship... And then, of course, I had originally hoped to line up a visit with The Guy in Austin over the break, but the advent of a new girl in his life has, much to my disappointment, thrown a wrench into that possibility. I'm not sure how serious they, I won't be the other woman. If we do meet up, I'll just have to keep my hands off. The question is, would he be able to do the same and resist the Peacegrrl hotness? (<---positive self-talk! That therapist I had five years ago would be really proud!)

So, to stop talking about men for just a minute, I haven't even started on my Christmas shopping. Except for myself, that is. In fact, I just went out and spent so much money on yarn that I got a free tote bag. How scary is that? I was going to go to the mall tommorow but they're predicting snow and that scares me. Not sure I'll venture out. Maybe I'll stick with I did make some cute Christmas cards, though. (I'm starting to sound like pre-jail Martha Stuart. I need to get myself a life!) It's cold and dreary and depressing here and I think I have that SAD thing. Maybe I should drag myself to a tanning booth and pretend I'm in Florida. Three weeks in Texas, where a 75-degree Christmas day isn't rare, will probably be really good for me. How do people in Seattle survive?

Okay, I've been working on this post too long and I need to get something accomplished before I finish the workweek. Happy weekend!

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