Monday, December 13, 2004

Oh, dear God.

It's here. Finally, after all of the hype and stories people tried to scare me with, after the extensive coat shopping and boot advice, it has arrived.


So far I've only fallen on my ass once, but that's not exactly good news, since it's only been snowing since Saturday and there's only about an inch on the ground. How many more times will I eat it over the next three to four months? Should I start wearing knee and elbow pads? And although I've avoided it thus far, sooner or later I'm going to have to drive in it. Shit...

To my readers from the warmer climates, here's some fun stuff about snow. Yes, it's pretty and turns everything all white and it's fluffy and makes snowballs and you can go sledding down the hill on your cafeteria tray. Whoo-hoo. It's also slippery, gets dirty and gross, requires you to spend 20 minutes dusting off your car before you can go anywhere, stings when the wind blows it into your face, and causes you to slip and fall in front of people. So far I think I'm going to give the snow a thumbs-down. Remind me again why I moved here?

Other news--Mr. Blind Date (I really should give him a better nickname. I'll get right on that.) and I finally got together again on Saturday and spent a most enjoyable evening watching The Office, which, by the way, is seriously hilarious. No action for peacegrrl, so don't get excited. I've decided that I'm about 50/50 on whether or not I like him. He's very attractive and has a nice body, and he's into good movies, music, and TV. He has a fairly healthy sense of humor. However, he also makes very little eye contact, which irritates me to no end. What's up with that? Is it just a bad habit? A nervous thing? Or am I that ugly? No way, couldn't be. I looked hot that night. I also don't particularly care for the way he eats popcorn, or, how when I offered to hang up his coat, he just sort of tossed it at me. Am I being picky? Probably. It was really nice to spend some time with a non-work person, a rather hot one at that. I'm just doing my stupid second-guessing thing now...but I think maybe we're just doing the platonic thing. I don't want to go getting a crush if it's going to be a wasted effort! But it seems to early to ask for clarification...but then again, a blind date, by definition, assumes the person is indeed interested in dating, and subsequent meetings, I would imagine, should be assumed to be "dates" as well. Shit, shit, shit, what happened to arranged marriages?

That's okay. I will focus on non-sex/relationship issues and that will get me through! I have a coworker who needs some serious cheering up, so I'll work on that tonight. Work presents an onslaught of stressful last-minute crap that I have to take care of before the halls close this weekend and I finally get a much-deserved vacation. There should be plenty of distractions to keep my mind off of boy-girl games. I hope so. Let's face it, peacegrrl is boy-crazy. It's sad, but true...

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