Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Some stuff

So first of all, I'm going to bitch about today's weather. After a few weeks of nasty cold weather, the gods have smiled down and given us a 60-degree day. Unfortunately they've also given us 60-mph winds. Now come on. Is this necessary? I consider myself to be, well, a pretty solid girl. So when I walk outside and the wind knockes me off of my feet and blows me into the side of a building, that's a little scary. What the hell is this, a typhoon? Damn Ohio.

So new developments in the Peacegrrl manhunt...well, blind date #2 guy and I seem to be on the road to some kind of...something. At the very least, he's been calling on a regular basis and we are supposed to go out on Thursday. Does this mean a relationship is in the works? Who knows. In other news, I have been informed that The Guy (for those of you playing along, The Guy is the one I dated, got a big ol' crush on, and then moved away from so I could come to this crazy-assed state) now has a girlfriend. This is sad. I mean, yeah, he had no desire or intention to come to Ohio, and I couldn't turn down the job for a fledgling relationship. But it's still a bummer. Bleh. I guess whatever's meant to be is meant to be, right? Maybe this chick is his soul mate, and maybe blind date guy is mine. Or maybe when I get a master's and move back to Austin (that's this week's plan, anyway) the fates will bring us together. I am never a realist when it comes to men, remember. And then, finally, there's the cute coworker who doesn't know of the peacegrrl love. He's still cute, and still unaware. And alas, this is how it will more than likely remain. I've given up on the dating/sleeping with coworkers thing, remember?

Now to get to some kind of meaningful exposition...I've noticed that on my favorite blogs today, everyone seems to be talking about God. Normally I'd probably join the debate with one of my quasi-spiritual posts about my beliefs and why I have them. Maybe I'm just a little talked out on the subject. The last few guys I've dated have been, in order, an atheist, a theology/youth ministry major who sort of ignored the whole "no sex before marriage" decree, and two more atheists. At my last job, we were always talking God (God wants us to do this because we're a Christian university, yadda yadda yadda), and at this one, He's sort of off-limits. I have a lot of Catholic friends who do God once a week and on holidays, and then there's my father, who's so into his southern-baptist version of God that I refuse to allow my visits to him to overlap with a Sunday, lest I be dragged to church and lectured on how it's my duty as a single woman to find a good Christian man to lead me. I like to think God and I are pretty tight, and that He's more than a little irritated about how people keep using His name as justification for such horrible things. I understand why it turns so many people off of religion. I think of my relationship with Him as a fairly personal thing. Maybe religion says it's my duty to "save" people and bring them closer to God. But I'm not good at it. My feelings about faith come from the experiences I've had in my life that have lead me to believe, without a doubt, that He's there. I can't force people to see things through my eyes, and I can't prove anything. I just know I believe, and maybe the best "witnessing" I can do is just to be there for people in the hopes that they'll have faith in the goodness of people, if nothing else.

Now what other blog gives you simultaneous bitching, boy gossip, and spirituality? None that I know of. It's time for dinner, so I'm out...

1 comment:

Nick said...

I am truly honored to be anyone's favorite, even if I am the second favorite...
Oh, and some advice on the cute co-worker... dont get your meat where you get your bread :)

pece :)