Wednesday, December 01, 2004


So I have returned to Ohio after my six-day holiday in Texas. When I got on the plane on Monday morning, it was 70 degrees. And when I landed three hours later in Ohio, it was 35. Ick...I'm back in the land of bare trees and wind and general cold nastiness. It hasn't snowed yet (at least I wasn't here to see it) so I guess that's something to be happy about. Why don't they publish a manual of some kind for people like me who don't know how to deal with temperatures below 35? Really what I'm most afraid of, regarding the cold, is that when the sidewalks ice over I will slip and fall and people will laugh at me. That's it. I guess I'm shallow...

So, about the Texas Thanksgiving...good, stressful times with the family. It's strange to idealize "home" when you're far away and then when you get there, it's basically the same as when you left it--too many people under one roof, two dogs, and a crazy aunt. But the food was good, and Peacegrrl did indeed indulge. It takes a lot of carbs to maintain these curves, people! I did not hear from The Boy. I suppose that's finally over, and for the best. Besides, there are new dysfunctional relationships to be had! Blind Date guy has called a few times and who knows, we may actually meet again. I'm not sure how well-suited we are to each other, but he seems to be at least mildly amused by me so we'll see how it goes.

Other peacegrrl news...well, work sucks, but what else is new? I have a staff member I'd like to beat up, a few coworkers who annoy me, and a job that half the time I don't know how to do. I'd say I'm doing about average as far as the work world goes. I'm starting classes in the spring, and while the nerd in me is excited (oooh! School!), I'm not quite sure how I'm going to be able to balance the 50-hour workweek with the added stress of six hours of class and a ton of homework thrown into the mix. At least it's free. And maybe the whole "not having a life" thing will seem more convenient when I get even busier than I already am. However, the advent of me starting yet ANOTHER grad program means that I am getting ever closer to having to make the decision of what the hell to do with my life. I would be much more content to sort of float along taking classes and doing whatever I need to do to pay the bills...or better yet, marrying rich and staying home with the kids while I progress my supremely successful freelance writing career and eventually open up a bakery so all I'll do all day is make cookies. However, I suppose being an adult means doing adult things and having adult responsibilities. So decisions have to be made, and I'm not particularly good at that. Maybe I should be a high school guidance counselor. They don't seem to do a whole lot. Obviously mine wasn't very helpful.

On the bright side, it's almost Christmas baking time. I'm going to do my best to get into the holiday spirit, even though I'm not quite feeling it at the moment. I miss being a kid and getting giddy about Christmas carols and wrapping paper. These days it feels like the holidays aren't anything special--the folks at Wal-Mart are a little ruder than usual, but that's about it. But maybe if I break out the cookie sheets and put up some lights I'll get more into it. On Saturday we're putting on a winter gala for the neighborhood underpriveliged children, and my students are in charge of cookie-decorating. If 150 kids up to their elbows in red and green frosting doesn't get me in the chrismas mood, I suppose nothing will!

Alrighty, actual "work" beckons so I'd better go for now. Since I know three or four people are actually reading this on a regular basis, I'll try and be better about updating more often. Thanks for your interest in my silly life!

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