Tuesday, August 31, 2004

45 minutes left...

until I finally get to leave the office. It's amazing how exhausting sitting on one's ass can really be. Although, all things considered, I feel that I was very productive today. I managed to spend somewhere around 40 bucks on stuff from SeeYaGeorge.com, for one. It makes me happy to support two otherwise unemployed Austinites, and where else are you going to find a t-shirt that says, "Democrats are sexy...who ever heard of a good piece of elephant?" The entire afternoon was devoted to bush-bashing, as a matter of fact...I probably spent an hour on Bush Removal reading up on all of the wonderful things people have to say about our leader. My personal favorite was probably the quote by Ron Reagan, Jr.: "What's his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?" Then, of course, I had to cruise by my old favorites, Moveon.org and Michael Moore's site. Lots of fun stuff going on in light of the convention. If I didn't have such an obsession with keeping my job, I would definitely be raising hell in New York. I actually heard that the student government just approved $52k from their budget to try and get Moore to speak here sometime this fall. It's so damn nice to be out of Texas...don't get me wrong, it doesn't totally suck (hello, Austin), but we liberals have to travel in packs and be as inconspicuous as possible. Up here nobody's in the closet. It's good times.

So the great ipod moral dilemma continues. It hasn't been claimed, so it sits here in my office just begging to be listened to. And I'm happy to oblige, after all, our time together could end at any moment. And good music wasn't meant to sit idly by--it must be heard! I'm still in the middle of my Postal Service thing. I figure I'm still within the ethical boundaries if all I do is LISTEN to the ipod in the office. If I start adding music to it, carrying it around, buying it new headphones and a case, giving it a name, telling it how much I love it...then I've probably crossed the line. I will try to be careful.

I can't watch Sex and the City tonight, and this is unfortunate. Luckily, however, I will probably be out having a drink with some friends, which is actually in the spirit of Sex and the City, so I guess it's ok. Maybe I'll break out the hootchie clothes and see if I can score. Maybe not. I think I'm too tired to flirt. And that's how you know you're approaching rock bottom, people.

That is all...

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