Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Chaos Begins!

Well, it's August 15, which, in the illustrious, high-paying (ha!) world of student affairs, means STRESS. So forgive me if the posts get a little more erratic over the next few weeks--I'll be happy just to get a shower on a regular basis. There are a few items of note, however:
1. I look like a moron on my new Ohio driver's license. (I was hung over, okay?)
2. Honey Brown is on tap at every bar I've been to since I got here. Gotta love the north.
3. As a whole, my new staff is a very cool group of people. I also don't find any of the guys particularly attractive. This is most definitely a good thing.
4. I made the investment and bought, rather than downloaded, the new Modest Mouse CD. I highly recommend it.
5. George W. Bush is an idiot. (Not referring to anything in particular, just thought I'd throw that in. Couldn't hurt.)
That's about all. Work is kicking my ass, but I continue to include among my daily prayers of thanksgiving the fact that I'm not at TLU anymore. I'm making new friends, enjoying the hot undergrads while still pining for The Guy, and still not getting any, but to quote Abby from The Truth About Cats and Dogs, "One can survive. This is the mechanical age."

I promise to post an occasional update as we enter the saga of freshman move-in. Wish me luck.

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