Sunday, August 29, 2004

Sunday Morning Torture

Yes, it's Sunday, and I've been awake since quarter to seven. Why, you ask? Why would anyone do such a thing if they didn't have to? It's not like it's Easter or anything (and truth be told, I've never been able to do the whole sunrise service thing--I just think God really wants me to get enough sleep, you know?). No, the reason for my premature awakening is the fact that I'm still checking in freshmen. For whatever reason, the powers that be at my new place of employment thought it would be a good idea to have a desk in each hall open from 8am to 5pm from Wednesday to Sunday. What does this mean? It means seven days in a row without a day off, sleep deprivation, and a very irritable staff. Sigh. There MUST be a better way to do this.

Whoo-hoo for the return of the Assclownette CD!!!! Vixen, I will contact you to arrange for its safe recovery. It's not a moment too soon--I've been pining away for my favorite Duncan Sheik song (track number seven, if you want to give it a listen). Let this be a lesson to all: when your friend is visiting and your toxic ex-boyfriend shows up at the door, don't get so freaked out and distracted that you leave your favorite CD in the karaoke machine! It's all about priorities!

So does anybody want to buy me this cd? I'm thinking The Postal Service might be my next band obsession, even though they're not really a band, more of a side project (speaking of side projects, does anybody remember The Rentals, our beloved Weezer spinoff?) Somebody turned in a lost ipod to the office and as of yet, it hasn't been retrieved. So, of course, I felt it my duty to peruse the song list, and instead of finding the top 40 that I feared, I discovered Jack Johnson, Modest Mouse, some underground Dave Matthews, and the aforementioned The Postal Service. Impressive. And then I thought, well, nobody's looking, so I decided to give the PS a listen--i'd heard and enjoyed at least one of their songs (thanks to The Guy). And I do believe I'm hooked. They're very catchy electropop, which is always fun. All hail the good music. Perhaps the owner will come to claim it, and he will be an extremely cute non-republican guy who knows how to cook, likes dogs and babies and quick-witted curvaceous women, and spends hours watching all of the Law and Orders. A romance could be born, and at the wedding we'd tell everyone how Macintosh technology and good songs brought us together. Hmmm....One can hope.

Well, I think my staff is getting restless. None of them had breakfast and they're starting to eye one another hungrily. It's time to check on them before things get ugly. More peacegrrl news to come...

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