Monday, August 09, 2004

Can't sleep

It's sunday night, and of course I'm back in the no sleep zone. I think homesickness is settling in. I miss alicia, I miss k-dog, I miss my tx state buddies. It's freakin' 50 degrees outside and I think I'm actually starting to miss the godawful Texas heat. I DON'T miss the office politics, but I'm sure there are new ones to be had up here once I've settled in a little more. I miss The Guy, and even The Boy (but only a little and don't tell anybody). I miss smoking in the middle of the night, sitting outside on my steps in the humidity and hanging out with the lightening bugs. Bleh.

Really it's not so bad, so don't anybody go feeling sorry for me. This is the shit that happens when I stay up too late and think too much. I'm actually having fun up here and glad I made the move. I'm just having a pessimistic moment.

Go here, it's funny shit.

That's all for tonight.

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